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Shree Devi Institute of Technology

Shree Devi Institute of Technology has bagged the 4 th Rank in Aeronautical Engineering and 6 th Rank in Civil Engineering conducted by Visvesvaraya Technology University, Belgaum held in the year 2022-23. Ms. Sahana Polampalli secured the 4 th Rank in Aeronautical Engineering and Ms. Aparna Suresh secured 6 th Rank in Civil Engineering.

Shree Devi College of Fashion Design has bagged the 3 rd Rank in the B.Sc Fashion Design examination held by Mangalore University in the year 2022-23. Ms. Suraksha secured the 3 rd Rank.

Shree Devi College of Hotel Management has bagged the 2 nd Rank in the B.Sc. Hospitality Science Examination held by Mangalore University in the year 2022-23. Ms. Sangeetha secured the 2 nd Rank.

Shree Devi College of Hotel Management has bagged the 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd Rank in the Bsc. Food Technology Examination held by Mangalore University in the year 2022-23. Ms. Safeena secured the 1 st Rank. Ms. Meghana G. P secured the 2 nd Rank and Ms. Bhavana K secured the 3 rd Rank.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, has bagged 6Ranks in the B.Pharm examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences,Bangalore in the year 2022

Dr. Priyanka K, Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has bagged overall 8 th Rank and 4 th Rank in 1 st Pharma D and 5 th Rank in 2 nd Pharma D in Biopharmaceutics.

Mr. Praveen Raj P, Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has bagged overall 2 nd Rank in M Pharm Pharmacology

Mr Suraj, Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has bagged overall 3 rd Rank in M Pharm Pharmacology

Ms. Anisha, Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has bagged overall 9th Rank in B Pharm 1 ST Semester.

Ms. SIRAJUNNISA, Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has bagged 9 th Rank in B Pharm 7 th semester.

Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged 33 Ranks in the Physiotherapy Examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in the year 2022.

Ms Kodiyal Ankita Navin , Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged overall 5 TH Rank in Physiotherapy , 3 rd Rank in General Surgery , 4 th Rank in Cardio Respiratory & General Physiotherapy, 10 th Rank in Community Medicine, 7 th Rank in Neuro Physiotherapy, 10 th Rank in Research Methodology & Biostatistics.

Ms Aiswarya K B, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged 6 th Rank in Bio Chemistry , 10 th Rank IN General Surgery, 6 th Rank in Cardio Respiratory & General Physiotherapy.

Ms Anjana M, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged 9 th Rank in Psychology & Sociology, 8 th Rank in Cardio Respiratory & General Physiotherapy.

Ms Bijina T V, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged 10 th Rank in Pathology & Microbiology, 7 th Rank in Cardio Respiratory & General Physiotherapy, 8 th Rank in Community Physiotherapy.

Mr Dhanush, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has secured 8 th Rank in Psychology & Sociology.

Ms Fernandes Shalane Anthony has secured 7 th Rank in Neuro Physiotherapy

Ms Fellah Fathima K, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged 10 th Rank in Pathology & Microbiology, 9th Rank in Neurology & Neurosurgery.

Ms Kambli Siddhi Surendra, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged 4 th Rank in Orthopedics & Traumatology, 8th Rank in Musculoskeletal & Sports Physiotherapy, 8 th Rank in Community Medicine, 1st Rank in Neuro Physiotherapy.

Ms Meenaz S, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has secured 9 th Rank in Psychology & Sociology.

Ms Sanil Laveena Chidambar secured bagged 7 th Rank in Musculoskeletal & Sports Physiotherapy.

Ms Nazrin A N, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged 5 th Rank in Pathology & Microbiology, 1 st Rank in Musculoskeletal & Sports Physiotherapy.

Ms Spoorthi Uday Shetty, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged 9 th Rank in General Surgery, 7 th Rank in Cardio Respiratory & General Physiotherapy.

Mr Shubham S Bandekar, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has secured 9 th Rank in Cardio Respiratory & General Physiotherapy.

Mr Stelbin James secured 10th Rank in Community Medicine.

Ms Vishmitha Poovamma K N, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged 7 th Rank in Cardio Respiratory & General Physiotherapy, 7 th Rank in Neurology & Neurosurgery, 10 th Rank in Research Methodology & Biostatistics.

Shree Devi College of Nursing has bagged 9 Ranks in the B.Sc. Nursing Examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in the year 2022.

Ms Devichandana Maney, Shree Devi College of Nursing, has bagged 7 th Rank in Nutrition & Biochemistry , 9 th Rank in Microbiology.

Ms Roshni Lobo, Shree Devi College of Nursing, has bagged 9 th Rank in Nutrition & Biochemistry, 9 th Rank in Micrbiology , 10 th Rank in Pharmacology, Pathology, Genetics, 10 th Rank in Community Health Nursing-I, 8 Tth Rank in Nursing Research & Statistics, 9 th Rank in Management of Nursing Services & Education.

Mr Hariprasad C, Shree Devi College of Nursing, has bagged 8 th Rank in Microbiology.

Ms Kavya Babu, has secured 8 th Rank in Pharmacology, Pathology & Genetics.

Ms Genden Lhamu, has secured 9 TH Rank in Pharmacology, Pathology & Genetics.

Mr sahal V P has secured 9th Rank in Communication & Educational Technology.

Ms Swathi K, secured 9 TH Rank in Nursing Research & Statistics.

Ms Gopika G Nair, Shree Devi College of Nursing has bagged 7 th Rank Nursing Research & Statistics, 10 th Rank Community Health Nursing-II

Shree Devi Institute of Technology has bagged the 2 nd Rank in M.Tech examination conducted by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum held in the year 2020-21. Ms. Nafeeza Minnath M.T bagged the 2 nd Rank.

Shree Devi Institute of Technology has bagged two 8th Ranks in MBA examination conducted by Visvesvaraya Technology University, Belgaum held in the year 2020- 21. Ms. Sushmitha S Shetty and Ms. Vaishnavi S Shetty have both bagged 8 th Rank.

Shree Devi Institute of Technology has bagged the 8th and 9th Rank in BE Aeronautical Engineering conducted by Visvesvaraya Technology University, Belgaum held in the year 2020-21. Ms. Asha A secured the 8 th Rank and Mr. Vinod Singh Madan Singh Rajputh secured the 9 th Rank.

Shree Devi College of Interior Design has bagged the 1 st and 2 nd Rank in the B.Sc Interior Design and Decoration examination held by Mangalore University in the year 2021. Ms. Shreya V Amin secured the 1St Rank and Ms. Rabiya Saman secured 2 nd Rank.

Shree Devi College of Fashion Design has bagged the 1 st and 2 nd Rank in the B.Sc Fashion Design examination held by Mangalore University in the year 2021. Ms. Sneha Shenoy K secured the 1 st Rank and Ms. Ranjana Sonkar secured 2 nd Rank.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, has bagged 36 Ranks in the B.Pharm examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in the year 2021

Ms. Ayesha Minaz, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, is a Gold Medalist and has bagged 7 th Rank in Pharmaceutical Analysis, 5 Th Rank in Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry, 1 St Rank in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II, 10 th Rank in Pharmacognosy, 2 nd Rank in Pharmaceutical Engineering, 4 th Rank in Physical Pharmaceutics I , 5 th Rank in Physical Pharmaceutics II, 1 st Rank in Human Anatomy and Physiology II, 7 th Rank in Pharmacology, 8 TH Rank n Pharmaceutical Microbiology, 5 th Rank in Biochemistry and 9 th Rank in Medicinal Chemistry II.

Mr. Abdul Wahid, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged 9 th Rank in Human Anatomy and Physiology II, 10 th Rank in Herbal Drug Technology, 6 th Rank in Pharmacology, 4 th Rank in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II, 10 th Rank in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry III.

Ms. Aiswarya P P, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged 7 th Rank in Human Anatomy and Physiology II, 10 th Rank in Pharmaceutical Microbiology, 3 rd Rank in Pharmacognosy and 7 th Rank in Medicinal Chemistry II.

Ms. Akshatha, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, has bagged 9 th Rank in Pathophysiology, 6 th Rank in Pharmacology, 10 th Rank in Pharmaceutical Microbiology, 6 th Rank in in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II.

Ms. Manisha Balachandra Kuvalekar, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged 5 th Rank in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I, 9 th Rank in Pharmacology and 7th Rank in Physical Pharmaceutics.

Ms. Fathima Zulfa, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged 9 th Rank in Human Anatomy and Physiology II and 8 th Rank in Pharmacology.

Mr. Puneeth, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged the 9 th Rank in Human Anatomy and Physiology II and 6 th Rank in Bio pharmaceutics.

Ms. Akhila A, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has secured 10 th Rank in Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Ms. Anagha Krishnan bagged 5 th Rank in Bio pharmaceutics, Ms. Ayshath Safnas secured the 9 th Rank in Biopharmaceutics and Ms. Shajidha Parveen secured the 3 rd Rank in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged 3 Ranks in the M.Pharm examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in the year 2021. Ms. Durgapriya has secured the 5 th Rank in Pharmacology, Mr. Suraj has secured the 4 th Rank in Pharmacology and Mr. Praveen Raj P has secured the 6 th Rank in Pharmacology.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged 4 Ranks in the Pharm D examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in the year 2021. Ms. Navya N has secured 9 th Rank. Ms. Disha Merlyn Mathias has secured 3 Rd Rank, Ms. Ashel Josveena Fernandes has secured 10 th Rank and Ms. Wilsita Snehal D’souza has secured 6 th Rank.

Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged 24 Ranks in B.P.T examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in the year 2021

Ms. Mehanas E H, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy, has bagged the 5 th Rank in General Surgery, 7 th Rank in Community Medicine, 8 th Rank in Exercise Therapy, 8 th Rank in Research in Methodology & Biostatistics and 10 th Rank in General Medicine.

Ms. Ashwathi Anilkumar, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy, has bagged the 7 th Rank in Musculoskeletal & Sports Physiotherapy, 7 th Rank in Psychology & Sociology, 7 th Rank in Neurology & Neurosurgery and 9 th Rank in Biochemistry.

Ms. Anjali Anilkumar Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy, has bagged the 7 th Rank in General Surgery, 8 th Rank in Psychology & Sociology and 10 th Rank in Cardio- Respiratory & General Physiotherapy.

Ms. Patel Alisha Rahulkumar, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy, has bagged the 9 th Rank in Musculoskeletal & Sports Physiotherapy, 10 th Rank in Cardio- Respiratory & General Physiotherapy and 10 th Rank in Neurology & Neurosurgery.

Ms. Rizvina, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy, has bagged the 10 th Rank in Psychology & Sociology, 10th Rank General Surgery and 10 th Rank in Neuro- Physiotherapy.

Ms. Devika P Ravindran, Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy, has bagged the 10 th Rank in Psychology & Sociology and 10 th Rank In General Surgery.

Ms. Anjali Sankar A U has secured the 8 th Rank in General Medicine , Ms. Drishya A B has secured the 9 th Rank In General Surgery , Mr. Muhammed Basil P has secured the 10 th Rank in Psychology & Sociology, Ms. Sisira A S has secured the 9 th Rank in General Surgery.

Shree Devi College of Nursing has bagged 14 Ranks in the B.Sc. Nursing Examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in the year 2021.

Ms. Blessy Thomas, Shree Devi College of Nursing, has bagged overall 6 TH Rank in 1 st year in B.Sc. Nursing , 7 th Rank in Nutrition & Biochemistry ,6 th Rank in Nursing Foundation, 8 th Rank in Communication & Educational Technology,8 th Rank in Child Health Nursing.

Ms. Gayathri V, Shree Devi College of Nursing, has bagged 9 th Rank in Nutrition & Biochemistry, 8 th Rank in Management of Nursing Services & Education.

Ms. Akshatha, Shree Devi College of Nursing, has bagged the 6 th Rank in Psychology, 7 th Rank in Communication & Educational Technology and 10 th Rank in Midwifery & Obstetrical Nursing.

Ms. Harshitha M, has bagged the 9 th Rank in Psychology and 8 th Rank in Management of Nursing Services & Education. Ms. Juby Raju, has bagged the 10 th Rank in Sociology and Ms. Preema Maria D’souza, has bagged the 9 th Rank in Pharmacology, Pathology & Genetics.

Shree Devi Institute of Technology has bagged the Second Rank in M.C.A examination conducted by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum held in May / June 2020. Ms. Veekshitha Kumari secured the 2nd Rank.

Shree Devi Institute of Technology has bagged the Second Rank and Tenth Rank in M.B.A examination conducted by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum held in May / June 2019. Ms. Ashwini secured the 2nd Rank and Ms. Prathima S secured the 10th Rank.

Shree Devi Institute of Technology has bagged the Sixth Rank in M.C.A examination conducted by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum held in May / June 2019. Ms. Meghala bagged the 6th Rank.

Shree Devi Institute of Technology has bagged the Ninth Rank in M.Tech examination conducted by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum held in May / June 2019. Mr. Sohan Shetty secured the 9th Rank.

Shree Devi College of Interior Design has bagged all the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Rank in the B.Sc. Interior Design and Decoration examination held by Mangalore University during April / May 2019. Ms. Veeksha S Shetty secured the 1st Rank, Ms. Vaishnavi G Acharya secured the 2nd Rank and Ms. Pooja G Rao bagged the 3rd Rank.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged the First Rank and Gold Medal in the Pharm D examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore held in May / June 2020. Ms. Sana M M bagged the 1st Rank and Gold Medal.

Ms Aksa Roy, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 7th Rank in 4th Pharm D(PB), 6th Rank in 5th Pharm D(PB) and 7th Rank in Overall(PB).

Ms. Kathijath Reffa, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 7th Rank in Pharmaceutical Organic ChemistryII and 8th Rank in Pharmaceutics.

Ms. Nikitha Naomi D'Souza, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 3rd Rank in Human Anatomy and Physiology, 7th Rank in Pharmaceutical Organic ChemistryII and 10th Rank in Pharmacology.

Ms. Anisha Rifah, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 5th Rank in Pathophysiology, 7th Rank in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, 10th Rank in Pharmaceutical Organic ChemistryII and 5th Rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing.

Ms. Thasik, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 6th Rank in Medicinal Chemistry I, 7th Rank in Physical Pharmaceutics and 10th Rank in Applied Biochemistry.

Mr. Suraj, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 10th Rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing, 6th Rank in Physical Pharmaceutics, 7th Rank in P. Microbiology & Biotechnology and 6th Rank in Pathophysiology.

Ms. Shwetha Kumari C.K, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 8th Rank in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence.

Ms. Deeksha, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 8th Rank in Pharmacology.

Ms. Deepthi K, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 8th Rank in Pharmaceutics.

Ms. Ashwini B, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 9th Rank in Pharmaceutics.

Mr. Praveenraj, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 1st Rank in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry II, 1st Rank in Human Anatomy And Physiology, 7th Rank in P. Microbiology & Biotechnology, 3rd Rank in Physical Pharmaceutics, 6th Rank in Medicinal Chemistry I, 4th Rank in Pharmaceutical Engineering, 9th Rank in Pharmacology, 7th Rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing, 9th Rank in Pharmaceutical Technology Biopharmaceutics, 7th Rank in Industrial Pharmacognosy, 6th Rank in Pathophysiology and 10th Rank in Applied Biochemistry.

Ms. Fathima Saziy, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 7th Rank in P. Microbiology & Biotechnology.

Ms. Ayesha Kansah, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 8th Rank in Pathophysiology.

Ms. Zulekha, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 8th Rank in Pathophysiology.

Ms. Thripthi N, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 8th Rank in Industrial Pharmacognosy.

Mr. Mohammed Khalfan P A, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 7th Rank in Industrial Pharmacognosy.

Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged 40 Ranks in the B.P.T/M.P.T examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, in the year 2020.

Ms. Chhari Anushka Nareshkumar has bagged the overall 5th Rank in 1st year and 7th Rank in the 3rd year B.P.T examination.

Ms. Nikita Patil has bagged the overall 10th Rank in the 3rd year B.P.T examination.

Ms. Chhari Anushka Nareshkumar has bagged the 10th Rank in Anatomy, 1st Rank in Physiology, 9th Rank in Biochemistry, 9th Rank in Psychology & Sociology, 9th Rank in General Medicine, 6th Rank in General Surgery, 9th Rank in Orthopedics & Traumatology, 7th Rank in Cardiorespitory & Gen. Physio, 9th Rank in Neurology & Neurosurgery, 6th Rank in Community Medicine.

Ms. Nikita Patil bagged the 6th Rank in Human Physiology, 6th Rank in Psychology & Sociology, 5th Rank in General Medicine, 10th Rank in General Surgery, 10th Rank in Cardiorespitory & Gen. Physio, 8th Rank in Community Medicine.

Ms. Shraminas. K. has bagged the 3rd Rank in human Physiology, 6th rank in Psychology & Sociology, 5th Rank in Cardiorespitory & Gen. Physio.

Ms. Susmitha. T. Sukumaran has bagged the 9th Rank in Human Physiology.

Ms. Krithika. S. has bagged the 10th Rank in Human Physiology, 3rd Rank in Psychology & Sociology and 10th Rank in Neurology & Neurosurgery.

Mr. Alwin Joy has bagged the 8th Rank in Bio Mechanics.

Ms. Fathimath Shifana A.A. has bagged the 7th Rank in Psychology & Sociology, 10th Rank in Neurology & Neurosurgery.

Ms. Archana Mohanan has bagged the 8th Rank in Psychology & Sociology.

Mr. Amin Tejaswi Taranath has bagged the 10th Rank in Psychology & Sociology.

Ms. Farzana Nalakathu has bagged the 10th Rank in General Surgery, 9th Rank in Community Medicine and 10th Rank in Research Methodology & Biostats.

Ms. Thaslim Hassan has bagged the 7th Rank in Cardiorespitory & Gen. Physio.

Ms. Nilufur Nazrin P.K. has bagged the 8th Rank in Neurology & Neurosurgery.

Ms. Patel Samaben Allibhai has bagged the 8th Rank in Community Medicine.

Ms. Pamar Kinjal Harish has bagged the 4th Rank in Neuro - Physiotherapy.

Ms. Aishwarya Nair, Shree Devi College of Nursing Mangalore has bagged the 6th Rank in Sociology, 8th Rank in Communication and education technology and 9th Rank in Pharmacology pathology & genetics.

Ms. Akhila, Shree Devi College of Nursing Mangalore has bagged the 7th Rank in Nursing management.

Ms. Prithvi, Shree Devi College of Nursing Mangalore has bagged the 10th Rank in Nursing research & biostatistic and 10th Rank in Nursing management.

Ms. Vibhava, Shree Devi College of Nursing Mangalore has bagged the 10th Rank in Pharmacology pathology & genetics and 10th Rank in Nursing research & statistics.

Ms. FATHIMA THASHRIFA, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 3rd Rank in Human Anatomy & Physiology, 6th Rank in Medicinal Chemistry and 6th Rank in Medicinal Chemistry II.

Ms. KRUPA MERIN SAM, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 6th Rank in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry.

Ms. FATHIMA MUHSHINA, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 10th Rank in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence& Ethics, 8th Rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing and 6th Rank in Medicinal Chemistry II.

Ms. LIJI C.K, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 10th Rank in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence & Ethics.

Ms. SHAKHI SHYLESH C.M, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 10th Rank in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence & Ethic and 7th Rank in Pharmacology.

Ms. NAGAMMA ITAGI, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 8th Rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing and 4th Rank in Advanced Industrial Pharmacy.

Ms. SWATHI PATIL, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 10th Rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing and 7th Rank in Instrumental & Biomedical Analysis.

Ms. DURGAPRIYA S, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 5th Rank in Pharmacology & Toxicology and 9th Rank in Advanced Industrial Pharmacy.

Ms. SAZIYA AFREEN, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 9th Rank in Medicinal Chemistry II.

Ms. THASREENA, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 8th Rank in Advanced Industrial Pharmacy.

Mr. MUHAMMED SHAHBAS SAKHARIYA K, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 9th Rank in Advanced Industrial Pharmacy.

Mr. VEGNESH SARAVANAN, Shree Devi College of Pharmacy Mangalore has bagged the 10th Rank in Advanced Industrial Pharmacy.

Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged 30 Ranks in the B.P.T/M.P.T examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, in the year 2019.

Ms. Nabeela Wahab has bagged the overall 4th Rank in the Final Year B.P.T and bagged the 9th Rank in the Third Year B.P.T Examination.

Ms. Shruthi Sudhakaran has bagged the overall 4th Rank and Ms. Rai Preethi Laltaprasad has bagged the 7th Rank in the M.P.T Examination.

Ms. Vibhuti Mahesh has bagged the 4th Rank in Human Anatomy, 10th Rank in Pathology & Microbiology, 9th Rank in Electrotherapy, 8th Rank in General Medicine, 10th Rank in General Surgery, 6th Rank in Ortho & Sports Physio and 9th Rank in Neurology & Neurosurgery.

Ms. Nabeela Wahab has bagged the 10th Rank in Human Physiology, 8th Rank in Bio Mechanics, 7th Rank in Pathology & Microbiology, 2nd Rank in Pharmacology, 10th Rank in General Medicine, 8th Rank in Ortho & Traumatology, 3rd Rank in Cardiorespitory & General Physio, 1st Rank in Neurology & Neurosurgery, 1st Rank in Community Medicine and 6th Rank in Community based Rehabilitation.

Ms. Shruthy Mohan has bagged the 9th Rank in Pathology & Microbiology, 8th Rank in Pharmacology, 5th Rank in General Medicine and 9th Rank in Neurology & Neurosurgery.

Ms. Bari Dipsika Dinesh has bagged the 8th Rank in Pharmacology.

Ms. Athira Prabhakaran has bagged the 9th Rank in Research Methodology & Biostats and 8th Rank in General Medicine.

Ms. Sruthy V.S has bagged the 8th Rank in General Medicine.

Mr. Milan Kuruvila has bagged the 9th Rank in General Medicine and 10th Rank in Neuro - Physiotherapy.

Ms. Arthava M has bagged the 8th Rank in Neurology & Neurosurgery.

Ms. Gayathri K, Shree Devi College of Nursing Mangalore has bagged the 3rd Rank in Anatomy & Physiology, 6th Rank in Midwifery & Obstetrical Nursing and 9th Rank in Management of Nursing Service & Education.

Ms. Sindhu S, Shree Devi College of Nursing Mangalore has bagged the 3rd Rank in Communication & Educational Technology, 5th Rank in Community Health Nursing-II and 9th Rank in Midwifery & Obstetrical Nursing.

Ms. Reshma Pais, Shree Devi College of Nursing Mangalore has bagged the 4th Rank in Anatomy & Physiology.

Ms. Anuprabha Jiju P, Shree Devi College of Nursing Mangalore has bagged the 10th Rank in Nutrition & Bio-Chemistry.

Shree Devi Institute of Technology has bagged the Third Rank in M.B.A examination conducted by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum held in April/May 2018. Ms. Sandhya T.J secured the 3rd Rank.

Shree Devi Institute of Technology has bagged the Third Rank in M.C.A examination conducted by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum held in April/May 2018. Ms. Anusha secured the 3rd Rank.

Shree Devi College of Interior Design, Mangalore has bagged all the First, Second & Third Rank in the B.Sc. Interior Design & Decoration Examination held by Mangalore University during April/May 2018. Miss Vanishree B. the 1st Rank holder secured 4435/5000 [88.70%], Mr. Vivek the 2nd Rank holder secured 4382/5000 [87.64%] & Miss Deepika Jain the 3rd Rank holder secured 4355/5000 [87.10%] marks in the Mangalore University Examination.

Shree Devi College of Hotel Management, Mangalore has bagged Second Rank in the B.Sc. Hospitality Science Examination held by Mangalore University during April/May 2018. Mr. Shetty Tushar Shashridhara the 2nd Rank holder secured 4176/5000 [83.52%] marks in the Mangalore University Examination.

Shree Devi College of Fashion Design, Mangalore has bagged Third Rank in the B.Sc. Fashion Design Examination held by Mangalore University during April/May 2018. Miss Sahana Mathew the 3rd Rank holder secured 3982/5000 [79.64%] marks in the Mangalore University Examination.

Ms. Reshma Maria Pinto of Shree Devi College of Nursing, Mangalore has bagged the 7th Rank in Pharmacology, Pathology, Genetics, 9th Rank in Microbiology, 10th Rank in Community Health Nursing - II in B.Sc. Nursing Examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in 2018.

Ms. Kajol A Gurnani of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 1st Rank in Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2nd Rank in Pathophysiology, 6th Rank in Industrial Pharmacognosy, 8th Rank in Medicinal Chemistry - II & 10th Rank in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence & Ethics.
Ms. Anusha Nayak of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 3rd Rank in Pathophysiology, 3rd Rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing, 6th Rank in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence & Ethics, 9th Rank in Applied Biochemistry & 10th Rank in Medicinal Chemistry.
Ms. Arpitha V M of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 1st Rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing, 7th Rank in Pharmacology & Toxicology, 9th Rank in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence & Ethics.
Ms. Bhooshitha A N of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 3rd Rank in Medicinal Chemistry, 5th Rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing & 9th Rank in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence & Ethics.
Ms. Reeshma R Shetty of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 3rd Rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing & 4th Rank in Pathophysiology.
Mr. Faby Raju of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 4th Rank in Pathophysiology & 8th Rank in Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Biotechnology.
Ms. Haneen Fatima of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 6th Rank in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence & Ethics & 10th Rank in Pathophysiology.
Ms. Shadmaan Fatima of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 9th Rank in Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Biotechnology & 10th Rank in Anatomy and Physiology.
Ms. Hredhya P of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 9th Rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing & 10th Rank in Pathophysiology.
Ms. Poornima of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 8th Rank in Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Biotechnology.
Ms. Shabnaz of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 8th Rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing.
Ms. Rifha of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 9th Rank in Pathophysiology.
Ms. Reema Banu of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 9th Rank in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence & Ethics.
Ms. Pooja of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 9th Rank in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence & Ethics.
Ms. K K Aishwarya of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 10th Rank in Pathophysiology.
Ms. Sumayya of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 10th Rank in Medicinal Chemistry.
Mr. Nidaa Ayusha Mulky Abdul Hameed of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 10th Rank in Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence & Ethics.
Ms. Sandeep A Mulky Abdul Hameed of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore has bagged the 10th Rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing.

Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy, Mangalore has bagged 18 Ranks in the B.P.T. examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore in 2018. Ms. Sruthi S Nair has bagged the overall B.P.T. 10th Rank in the University.
Ms. Dalia Pritiben Ramesh has bagged 7th Rank in Human Anatomy, Ms. Sruthi S Nair has bagged 10th Rank in Human Anatomy, 10th Rank in Pharmacology, 9th Rank in Research Methodology & Biostatics, Ms. Athulyal has bagged 9th Rank in Research Methodology & Biostatics, Mr. Dalia Khemiyan Rameshchandra has bagged 7th rank in General Medicine, Ms. Anupama Baby has bagged 10th Rank in General Medicine, Ms. Sruthi S Nair has bagged 8th Rank in General Surgery, Ms. Pillai Aryraj Rajendran has bagged 8th Rank in General Surgery, Ms. Sruthi S Nair has bagged 5th rank in Orthopedics & Traumatology, Ms Shetty Tejal Ravi has bagged 10th rank in Orthopedics & Traumatology, Ms. Sruthi S Nair has bagged 10th Rank in Orthopedics & Sports Physiotherapy, 10th rank in Neurology & Neuro Surgery, 7th Rank in Community Based Rehabilitation, 6th Rank in Neuro Physiotherapy, Ms. Shetty Tejal Ravi has bagged 10th rank in Neuro Physiotherapy, Ms. Dalia Pritiben Ramesh has bagged 8th Rank in Neuro Physiotherapy & Mr. Nejumudheen has bagged 10th Rank in Community based Rehabilitation.

Shree Devi Institute of Technology has bagged the First and Second Rank in M.C.A examination conducted by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum held in April/May 2017. Ms. Namratha bagged the 1 st Rank and Ms. Sumitra Gadiyar bagged the 2 nd Rank.

Shree Devi Institute of Technology has bagged the Third Rank in the M.Tech in Construction Technology (Civil) examination conducted by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum held in April/May 2017. Ms. Amrutha bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi Institute of Technology has bagged the Sixth Rank in the Mechanical Engineering examination held by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum held in April/May 2017. Mr. Akash bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi College of Interior Design has bagged the First Rank in B.Sc. Interior Design & Decoration conducted by Mangalore University held in April/May 2017. Ms. Munisha Mariam Shakeer bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi College of Fashion Design has bagged the First Rank in B.Sc. Fashion Design conducted by Mangalore University held in April/May 2017. Ms. Saksha P Shetty bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi College of Hotel Management has bagged the Third Rank in B.Sc. Hospitality Science conducted by Mangalore University held in April/May 2017. Mr. Kiran Poojary bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has bagged the Second, Fourth, Sixth & Eighth Rank in M.P.T conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore held in Oct./Nov, 2017. Ms. G.R. Geetha, Ms. Vaghasiya Kinjal Keshavbhai , Ms. Akhila J Sunil & Ms. Trivedi Kunjal Hareshbhai bagged the 2 nd , 4 th , 6 th & 8 th Rank respectively.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged the Ninth Rank in M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics), conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore held in December, 2017. Ms. Shwetha has bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged Third Rank in B.Pharm Anatomy & Physiology, Eight Rank in Pharm. Jurisprudence & Seventh Rank in Advanced Industrial Pharmacy conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore held in December 2017. Mr. Sampath B.S has bagged the Ranks.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged Third Rank in B.Pharm Advance Industrial Pharmacy conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore held in December, 2017. Ms. Samah Imthiyaz has bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged Third Rank in B.Pharm Pharm Marketing & Management conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore held in December, 2017. Mr. Mohammed Abdul Hameed K has bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged Fourth Rank in B.Pharm Pharm Marketing & Management & Tenth Rank in Pharmacognosy-I conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore held in December, 2017. Ms.Mahananda R Prabhu has bagged the Ranks.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged Seventh Rank in B.Pharm Pharm Marketing & Management conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore held in December, 2017. Ms. Lavita Glancy Rego has bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged Ninth Rank in B.Pharm Pharm Marketing & Management conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore held in December, 2017. Mr. Martin Jacob has bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged Ninth Rank in B.Pharm Pharm Organic Chemistry - I conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore held in December, 2017. Mr. Muhammed Swalih P has bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged Ninth Rank in B.Pharm Pharmacology conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore held in December, 2017. Ms. Christymol Joseph has bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged Tenth Rank in B.Pharm Pharm Marketing & Management conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore held in December, 2017. Ms. Shifa Suman has bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has bagged Tenth Rank in B.Pharm Advanced Industrial Pharmacy conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore held in December, 2017. Ms. Anusha A.U has bagged the Rank.

Shree Devi College of Interior Design Mangalore has bagged the First, Second and Third Ranks in B.Sc. Interior Design & Decoration examination conducted by Mangalore University in April 2016. Ms. Sharmila Maharjan, Ms. Deepali Suresha Iddya, Ms. Ayesha K bagged the 1st Rank, 2nd Rank and 3rd Rank respectively.

Mr. Jigyash Rasaily of Shree Devi College of Hotel Management has secured the 2nd Rank in Mangalore University examination held in April 2016.

Ms. Sarika N. Khandare, of Shree Devi Institute of Technology, department of M.C.A has secured the 2nd rank in the examinations conducted by Visveswaraya Technological University Belgaum in May 2016.

Ms. Shifana Banu E of Shree Devi College of Fashion Design has secured the 3rd Rank in Mangalore University examination held in April 2016.

Ms. Anjumol K P of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 1st Rank in M.Pharm-Pharmacology in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Hanan Sheikh of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 2nd Rank in B.Pharm-Pharmacology in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Poojarshree of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 2nd Rank in B.Pharm- Pharm. Marketing & Management in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Ayshath Afroos Shahana A R of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has secured 4th Rank in M. Pharm-Pharmacology in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore examination held in May 2016.

Mr. Harmith D Pathak of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has secured the 5th Rank in B.Pharm – Pharm Microbiology in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Jeevna Rajeev of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 5th Rank in B.Pharm-Advanced Ind. Pharmacy in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Jomol Kurian of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 5th Rank in B.Pharm-Pharm Microbiology in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Rakshitha B Anchan of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 5th Rank in B.Pharm-Pharm Engineering in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Yamuna P Vof Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 5th Rank in B.Pharm-Pharm. Marketing & Management in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Fathima Sabha Banu of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 6th Rank in B.Pharm-Pharm Engineering in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Shilpa Narayan Kutty of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 6th Rank in B.Pharm-Pharm Engineering in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Shamsheera M.S. of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has secured the 6th Rank in B.Pharm – Pharm Engineering in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Drishya P Dinesh of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 7th Rank in B.Pharm-Anatomy & Physiology in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Haritha Soman of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 7th Rank in B.Pharm-Pharm. Marketing & Management in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Vanishree of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 7th Rank in B.Pharm-Pharm. Engineering in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Chaithanya Rajan of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 8th Rank in B.Pharm-Pathophysiology in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Mr. Prasanth Eapen of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has secured the 8th Rank in B.Pharm-Pharm Marketing and Management in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Supreethi of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 9th Rank in M.Pharm-Pharmacology in Rajeev Gandhi UniversityBangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Sunitha Kunjumon of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has secured 9th Rank in B.Pharm – Pharm Phytochemistry in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Sujitha P.V of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has secured the 9th Rank in B.Pharm – Medicinal Chemistry in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Seira Naaz Abrar Hussain of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 9th Rank in B.Pharm-Advanced Ind. Pharmacy in Rajeeva Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Mr. Athul C P of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 10th Rank in B.Pharm-Pharm Marketing Management in Rajeev Gandhi UniversityBangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Priyaja Prasannan of Shree Devi college of Pharmacy has secured the 10th Rank in B.Pharm-Pharmacology in Rajeev Gandhi University Bangalore held in May 2016.

Ms. Raksha, Dept. of MCA, Student of Shree Devi Institute of Technology secured 2nd Rank in the VTU examination held during the year May/June 2015.

Ms Chaitra of Shree Devi College of Hotel Management has secured the 1st rank in Mangalore University examination held in May/June 2015.

Ms Litty Thoams of Shree Devi College of Interior Design has secured the 1st rank in Mangalore University examination held in May/June 2015.

Ms Aiswarya of Shree Devi College of Fashion Design has secured the 1st rank in Mangalore University examination held in May/June 2015.

Ms Sowmya Pujari of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy has secured the 1st rank in Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences Bangalore examination held in May/June 2015.

Ms Pagarani Madalsa Vasudev of Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has secured the 7th rank in Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences Bangaloreexamination held in May/June 2015.

Mr Patel Jitiksha Dalpatbhai of Shree Devi College of Physiotherapy has secured the 10th rankin Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences Bangaloreexamination held in May/June 2015.

Shree Devi College of Interior Design has bagged the First, Second & Third ranks in B.Sc. Interior Design & Decoration examination conducted by Mangalore University in May/June 2014. Ms. Linda Mariam Rojay, Ms. Basti Niveditha Shenoy,Ms. Shahana T.P bagged the 1st Rank, 2nd Rank & 3rd Rank respectively.

Shree Devi College of Fashion Design bagged the First & Second ranks in B.Sc. Fashion Design examination conducted by Mangalore University in May/June 2014. Ms. Supriya S.P, Ms. Sravya H bagged the 1st Rank & 2nd Rank respectively.

Shree Devi College of Hotel Management has bagged the Third rank in B.Sc.(HS) examination conducted by Mangalore University in May/June 2014. Mr. Nagendra Devadiga bagged the 3rd Rank.

Ms. Giftry M Jojo, M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics) student of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy secured 1st rank in M.Pharm examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore during August 2014.

Ms. Priyanka Shetty, B.Pharm student of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy secured 8th rank in B.Pharm examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore during August 2014.

Ms. Nimmy Mathew, M.Pharm (Pharmacology) student of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy secured 11th rank in M.Pharm examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore during August 2014.

Ms. Jinu Rani Sebastian, M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics) student of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy secured 18th rank in M.Pharm examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore during August 2014.

Ms. Ambily Scaria, M.Pharm (Pharmacology) student of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy secured 21st rank in M.Pharm examination held by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore during August 2014.

Shree Devi College of Interior Design has bagged all the First, Second & Third Ranks in B.Sc. Interior Design & Decoration Examination conducted by Mangalore University in May/June 2013.

Ms. Shaikh Heena Hanif, Ms. Rao Nikitha Raghuram, Ms. Reshma A. Kamath bagged the Ist Rank, 2nd Rank and 3rd Rank Respectively.

Shree Devi College of Fashion Design  has bagged all the ranks in the examination conducted by Mangalore University in May/June 2013.

Ms. Neeraja M. V, Ms. V. Sangeetha, Ms. V. Mamatha bagged the Ist Rank, 2nd Rank and 3rd Rank Respectively.

Shree Devi College of Nursing – Ms. Shalini K. Philip has bagged the First Rank in 3rd year B.Sc. Nursing examination held in August 2013.

Mr. Mehta Vishal Atulkumar, M.Pharm (Quality Assurance) student of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore secured 1st Rank with 84.79% marks in M.Pharm examination conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore.

The B.Pharm students of Shree Devi College of Pharmacy, Mangalore secured Ranks in B.Pharm examinations conducted by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore.

Ms. Sowmya Pujari secured 3rd rank in Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, 4th rank in Physical Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Marketing & Management, 5th rank in Advanced Industrial Pharmacy, 8th rank  in Applied Biochemistry, 9th rank in Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering, 10th rank in Human Anatomy & Physiology and Pathophysiology subjects.

Ms. Salwa secured 2nd rank in Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry, 4th rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing & Management, 6th rank in Pharmacology, 8th rank in Advanced Industrial Pharmacy and 9th rank in Medicinal Chemistry –I and in Industrial Pharmacognosy subjects.

Ms. Raksha secured 3rd rank in Advanced Industrial Pharmacy and 8th rank Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, 9th rank in Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry subjects.

Ms. Mirza Farah Naz secured 2nd rank in Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics, 6th rank in Physical Pharmaceutics, 9th rank in Pathophysiology and 10th rank in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry –I subjects.

Mr. Gothi Vikrant Nareshkumar secured 7th rank in Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry and in Pharmacology and 10th rank in Applied Biochemistry subjects.

Ms. Naushil Abdul Kayyum, Ms. Saranya B.N and Ms. Vanitha S. secured 1st rank, 9th rank and 10th rank respectively in Advanced Industrial Pharmacy subject.

Ms. Suhaila Shabnam D.M secured 10th rank in Pharmaceutical Marketing & Management subject.

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